Saturday, June 28, 2008

78th time is a charm

I'm trying to lose weight. Yes, again.

It's been a lifelong battle against the bulge, and to be honest, I'm having trouble even believing myself when I say, "I mean it this time." But alas, I'm going to give it another shot anyway.

That's one reason -- among many -- that I decided to start up this blog. Maybe if I declare my intentions publicly, I'll be more likely to stick with it. The fear of letting down others has always been a strong driving force in my life.

Besides cutting back on the food intake (which is big in itself), I'm trying to get serious about this whole exercise thing. I think my biggest challenge in that arena is just believing I can do it. Somewhere along the line I've actually convinced myself that I'm missing the exercise gene that most people carry, that I'm chronically allergic to elevating my heartbeat for 30 minutes at a time.

In spite of that, I bought a super-cheap treadmill from the classifieds and found a plan online for going from couch potato to runner in a 9-week plan. It's a different approach than I've ever taken before. Everytime I've tried to "become a runner" in the past, I've about killed myself for 3-5 days, then quit jogging altogether because I hated it so much.

This time, I'm taking it slow, not trying to do more than the plan recommends. About a half-hour ago, I finished my 3rd session of week 1 (it recommends three workouts per week). I walked 5 minutes as a warm-up, then alternated jogging 60 seconds and walking 90 seconds for a total of 25 minutes. Day 1 was tough, but suprisingly, this 3rd session wasn't too bad. I guess that's the point. Monday, I switch to alternating jogging for 90 seconds and then walking for 60.

Well, congratulations to myself. Not just for the jogging, but also for accomplishing THE most boring blog entry ever. Way to start off strong!