When she asked me to consider taking over, last year's director told me, "All you have to do is order badges."
Not that I'm bitter. In my heart, I knew better than to trust the person who was trying to find her replacement so she could quit. And actually, as busy as it's kept me, I'm enjoying every bit of it. Strange, I know.
At any rate, I figured I'd use my lunch time to post some of the funny things Emma's said lately.
If you don't find childish banter amusing, a) what's your problem? and b) come back next time where I will resume discussing nonsensical topics with no profound meaning.
Lately, my daughter has begun applying a universal excuse to getting out of anything she doesn't want to do.
I say, "Emma, finish your vegetables." She replies, "I can't, because my throat hurts."
Or if I say, "Emma, say that you are sorry." She replies, "I can't because my throat hurts."
Or I say, "Emma, go pick up your bedroom." She replies, "I can't because my throat hurts."
You get the picture.
I really don't think she was ever sick to begin with, or if she was, that it has persistantly plagued her throat for 4 1/2 weeks.
The other day Robert passed gas in front of Emma. (Apologies to my husband for telling this story.)
Emma says, "Daddy, you tooted."
"Yes, I did."
She replies, "It was a beautiful toot."
We've been helping my sister, Deanna, paint and repair her new home. In the process, the house has been less-than-kid friendly.
So Emma walks into the bathroom and proceeds to fall into a vent where the cover had been removed for paintng. Not baby Jessica style. She just stuck her foot into it, and as she pulled it out, clipped the back of her heel.
Weeping and gnashing of teeth ensued.
Later, Emma had pooped in her pull-up (which gives you an indication of how well potty training is progressing) and so I laid her on the bathroom floor to change her.
She notices the still uncovered vent, and then look up at me with deep concern.
"I hope you don't throw me in that hole."
I didn't know how to reply except to tell her, "I hope I don't either."
Well, there's been plenty of other things Emma has said to make us chuckle, but alas, my lunch hour is over. I'll resume bragging about her wit and charm some other day.