Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Teach us to pray

Every night, Robert and I pray with Emma before she goes to sleep.

Depending on how exhausting the bedtime routine has been, our prayer time looks a little different each night. Sometimes I pray, sometimes Robert does, and sometime she insists we both take a turn. And often, after we're done, she prays all by herself, including every family member and stuffed animal within sight in her list of "thank you for"s.

Lately, Emma has taken it upon herself to lead us in prayer. She says, "Repeat after me," and then Robert and I follow faithfully along, never knowing exactly where her ramblings will take us.

This is a typical prayer:

"Dear Jesus" (She pauses for us to say "Dear Jesus")

"Thank you for this day."

"Thank you for your blessings." (I wonder if she knows what this means, knowing that she's mimicking my oft-uttered prayer.)

"Teach me to be a good girl" (Robert chooses to insert "boy" instead.")

"I love my Star Wars figures."

"I love my Cinderella." (The stuffed horse directly beside her that she's named after her favorite princess.)

"I am so beautiful." (I chuckle as Robert goes with it.)

"In Jesus' name, amen."

As we turn off the light, and say good night, I can't help but smile.

I'm thankful for our funny little girl, and the God who is always there to listen to our silly prayers.