Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Feasting on Manna

I've been thinking a lot about Egypt lately.

No, not the pyramids, or even the Bangles' monster hit of the 80s.

I've been thinking about the way God delivered the Israelites from their bondage in Egypt, only to have them gripe about His methods every step of the way.

It used to be that when I'd read the pages of Exodus, I'd think, "You morons! Quit your complaining." I mean, God split the Red Sea, for crying out loud! You would think such an awesome experience would cause them to think twice before squawking about how hot it was in desert, or how bland the the manna tasted.

Now, I don't read it quite the same way ... because I think I would have done the exact same thing.

It's amazing, really, how petty I can be in light of all God's goodness. After all the things He's given me, and after all the amazing ways He's worked in my life, I'm still prone to freaking out whenever things look bleak. And then when He answers my prayers, I lament how it's not exactly the answer I was looking for.

Silly Israelites. Silly me. When will we ever learn?

And so I'm trying to do better about that. Trying to trust and trying to be grateful, on my way to the Promised Land.


Stephanie said...

Good blog Heather. :)

grammagumball said...

Always love your insight and blogs! mom