Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas according to Emma

I know I literally JUST posted another note, but I couldn't resist sharing....

It's been amusing to listen closely as Emma's been singing Christmas songs this year. Here's some of her best lyrics:

"Oh Christmas Eve, Oh Christmas Eve, how lovely are your branches."

"On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, three French kids."

And my favorite...

"Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose. And if you ever saw him, make sure that you say, 'hello.'"

Though she has her mother's gift for butchering song lyrics, she's heard the story of Christmas loud and clear. We were sitting on the couch one night when she piped up out of the blue: "It's not about the tree. It's not about the presents. It's all about Jesus' birthday."

At least she's kept the most important things straight.

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